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Photo Shooting & Catalog Design

Miniware had a new product - My First Pac Pac released in January 2022.

I was in charge of art directing the photo shooting with a marketing specialist and

two photographers in December 2021. I separated the photo shooting to two parts: 

1. Scenario photos with kids
2. Product only photos

Service                         Client                         Tools                                Year

Art Directing 

Shooting Planning 

Catalog Design


Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator

Microsoft Office Excel

My first pac pac_kindergarten (96).jpg

For the scenario photo shooting, the goal is to deliver the idea "My first Pac Pac is the best school companion."

So after the discussion with marketing specialist and the photographer, we decided the shooting location was

in the kindergarten. We choose several different spots in the kindergarten for the little models to do some fun


For the photo style, I choose a lower contrasting, lower saturation color tone but with warm yellow tone in it.

I found some of the color references to discuss with the photographer. I'm happy with the result.

There are three different cute characters of the backpacks: Luna-the pink unicorn, Kai-the blue shark, and Noah-the brown bear. Other than the plain product photos, I came out with a "school classes" idea for each of the characters. I gave them three different personalities. Luna is an ambivert, loves the color pink, and enjoys art class the most. Kai is an extrovert, loves math and PE classes. And Noah is an introvert, who loves mother nature and adventures.


I bought and borrowed all the elements I needed in each of the settings. Tried to set up vivid personalities by using different objects for each of the backpacks and their little owners.

My first pac pac_kindergarten (121).jpg

My First Pac Pac
Customized Catalog

Below are two digital catalogs I created for customer to download. There are more My First Pac Pac detail information inside the catalogs. 

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